SUNRISE_the ‘nature-based solutions’ for marine biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the Ligurian Sea

Duration: March 2023-March 2026


The SUNRISE Project is promoted, as a major supporter, by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo within the framework of the Bando Simbiosi.

It features a public-private partnership (SZN, Genoa Marine Centre; CNR-IAS; Dafne Società Cooperativa ed Impresa Sociale; Municipality of Genoa-Blue District; Liguria Region; Area Marina Protetta ‘Isola di Bergeggi’; Auxiliary Coast Guard-Liguria) and avails itself of qualified collaborators and providers (Genoa Aquarium; companies specialised in the production of Biodiversity Support Units-BSUs and underwater works), with the endorsement of associated partners (Western Ligurian Sea Port System Authority and Camogli Municipality). Pursuing the objective of applying innovative ‘nature based solutions’, SUNRISE implements concrete data collection actions (involving citizens of different ages and backgrounds) on the ‘beach and harbour ecosystems’, accompanied by awareness-raising and public engagement actions, in order to increase knowledge and awareness on biodiversity, ecological functionality and coastal natural capital in the Ligurian Sea, both in relation to natural and man-made systems.

Major supporter of the Sunrise Project: