Discover the projects we have collaborated on:
NTERREG MARITIME Project QM bac (2020-2022) Direct partner. QM bac, an acronym for ‘Quality Made Business Acceleration’, had a total value of EUR 635,034.46 and was co-financed for EUR 539,779.30 by the INTERREG Italy-France ‘Maritime’ programme 2014 – 2020 through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Its aim is to promote the ‘Maritime’ cooperation area (Liguria, Corsica, Sardinia, the coastal provinces of Tuscany and the departments of Var and Alpes-Maritimes in the PACA region) and in particular the competitiveness of the cooperation area’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in cross-border priority sectors linked to blue and green growth. Started in May 2020 and ended in May 2022, QM bac had as its overall objective the incubation/acceleration of 12 start-ups (established between 0 and 2 years, 3 years for innovative start-ups) of the identity tourism supply chain operating in urban areas (districts with lower tourist attractiveness, socio-cultural criticality and at risk of commercial depopulation), through the provision of advisory services to foster their commercial acceleration and positioning in the local, national, cross-border and international sustainable tourism market. QM bac was born from the capitalisation of the Interreg ‘Maritime’ Project S.MAR.T.I.C. and in particular from the success of the Quality Made label it produced. Already awarded to 73 companies in the cooperation area, the brand specification is based on the three pillars of cultural, environmental and social responsibility, referring to identity products and services and providing for related processes, solutions and promotional actions.
Project partners: Itinera Progetti e Ricerche (lead partner), Agorà Sardegna, Chambre de Commerce Italienne pour la France de Marseille, Pegaso Network, Cooperativa Dafne, Sud Concept.
INTERREG MARITIME GIAS Project (2019-2022) Service provider on assignment of certain activities by ARPAL. Cooperativa Dafne supported ARPAL, the project leader, in the Communication Component. Activities performed: management of the Project minisite and social channels, creation of project logo, integrated logo, communication kit and support for the creation of project flyers and events.
INTERREG MARITIME Smartic Project (2017-2019)Direct partner. S.MAR.T.I.C., acronym for “Sviluppo Marchio Territoriale Identità Culturale” was co-financed for 1.5 million euro by the European Regional Development Fund from the INTERREG Italy-France Maritime Programme 2014 – 2020, and was aimed at promoting the cooperation area (Tuscany, Liguria, France, Corsica and Sardinia in the coastal provinces) from a tourist point of view, through the definition of a standard for a quality brand of Cultural Identity. Launched in January 2017, S.MAR.T.I.C. is a project proposed and implemented by companies with a profound knowledge of the territories in which they operate, whose objective is to intercept the market of what they have defined as ‘conscious travellers’, tourists in search of emotions and real places and eager to get in touch with local culture, in search of quality and the narration of territories, attracted by real and unique places. A market also made possible by the internet and social networks that allow people to discover small realities in unknown areas. The aim of the S.MAR.T.I.C. project is to promote the cooperation area of the Italy-France ‘Maritime’ programme as a homogeneous tourist destination despite the diversity of the regions involved. To this purpose, the project includes the definition of criteria for a recognised tourist-cultural identity brand, attributed to an initial group of enterprises of the extended tourism chain with the aim of enhancing their value and increasing the incoming of the target audience.
Project partners: Itinera Progetti e Ricerche (lead partner), Consorzio Pegaso, Cooperativa Dafne, Consorzio Due Riviere, CGPME Corsica, CCIFM Marseille, Quality Control.
INTERREG MARITIME TRIG-Eau Project Service provider on assignment of certain activities by PARCO DI PORTOFINO. Cooperativa Dafne has supported the PORTOFINO PARK, responsible for the Communication Component. Activities performed: management of the Project minisite and social channels, creation of the project logo, integrated logo, communication kit and support for the production of project flyers and rollups and events.
INTERREG MARITIME NEPTUNE Project Service provider on assignment of certain activities by REGIONE LIGURIA. Activities performed: realisation of the Communication Plan, Communication Kit, opening and management of the Project’s social channels, support in the realisation of the launch event.
INTERREG MARITTIMO GIREPAM Service provider on assignment of certain activities by PARCO DI PORTOFINO. Activities performed: environmental education activities and production of information and dissemination flyers.
INTERREG MARITTIMO COREM Service provider on assignment of certain activities by PARCO DI PORTOFINO. Activities performed: Support to implementation of activities related to the Dissemination and Dissemination Component (System Action H) of the project.
ROBINWOOD ELWOOD INTERREG IVC ROBINWOOD. Service provider on assignment of certain activities by PARCO DI PORTOFINO. Activities realised: production of project brochures and rollups
POR On contracting some activities by Ente Parco di Portofino.